
is feeling

Mental Health

• 10 months ago

I right now am just trying to fight to stay alive. I became trapped completely in my room 4 years ago. I have had a peer support specialist that came to my house this last year and I know now why I became like this. My Husband is a text book case of NPD. I no longer have insurance to my Christian peer support specialist come to my house. She Read More ...

One Response

  1. Know all the good stuff you’re going to miss…I told a friend in 69 my life was over. He replied “you r knowhatvI was withdrawn in the 60’s and 70’s till life forced me to join in ini it’s course with the tragic death of my father….an even that lead me to my wife to be’s door…the bipolar disorder didn’t disappear but at least I was not alone…my zen teacher says, “ jump in feet first ..that was 51 years ago…she is here with me today..my teachers also say never give up….soneone asked me what the poem “Donot go Gentle into that Good Night meant….i said it means, stick around you don’t what you’re going to miss

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