Leader Guidelines

Guidelines for Project Semicolon Chapter Leaders.

Leader Guidelines

Guidelines for Leaders

Project Semicolon Leader Rules

Project Semicolon is a global, grassroots organization that is brought to life by a community that spans worldwide—which calls for some ground rules. Below, you’ll find the rules for operating your Project Semicolon Chapter. These rules are non-negotiable and mandatory for all Chapters—because it’s both our job and yours to maintain the integrity of Project Semicolon’s vision.

Licensing Basics

Chapter holder:

  • Project Semicolon asks that the chapter leader be the primary organizer of the chapter. If this is found to not be the case, Project Semicolon reserves the right to remove said chapter.

Chapter term:

  • Your Project Semicolon chapter is valid from it’s date of approval and does not expire. An annual review of all chapters will be conducted between January 1st and February 1st of each calendar year.

License relinquishment:

  • Project Semicolon Chapters are non-transferable—you cannot transfer your Project Semicolon chapter to another individual. If you want to relinquish your chapter to allow another organizer to lead it, you’ll need to notify us first. The new leader will need to fill out their own application and be approved through the normal process.

Releasing properties:

  • If you decide to relinquish your Project Semicolon Chapter, or Project Semicolon requires new leadership for your Chapter, you must transfer ownership of all Project Semicolon provided resources to insure the continuation of the Chapter.

Branding + Naming


  • Because Project Semicolon chapters exist to serve their communities, each chapter is named after it’s unique location, such as a city, neighborhood, or street.
  • Project Semicolon chapter names must comply with the guidelines and are granted at the discretion of the Project Semicolon team.

Name usage:

  • You must always refer to your chapter with the full name your chapter was approved for in all copy, messaging, logos, etc. For example, if your licensed name is “Project Semicolon New York”, you may not refer to your chapter as “Project Semicolon The Big Apple” or any other variation.
  • You should always refer to your chapter as Project Semicolon [Chapter Name], not simply “Project Semicolon”.
  • Your chapter name should be written as Project Semicolon [Chapter Name].
  • Name abbreviations and variations are not allowed.

Project Semicolon brand positioning:

  • Make clear in all communications that your chapter is a chapter of Project Semicolon Inc.

Project Semicolon logo

  • Your Project Semicolon logo should adhere to the Project Semicolon logo style guidelines and should be used to represent your chapter at all times.

Sponsors + funding

Not for profit:

  • Project Semicolon is a volunteer endeavor.
  • You may not use your chapter to make money.
  • You may not use your chapter to raise funds for charities or other organizations.
  • All fundraising will be required to use the provided fundraising tools on your Project Semicolon Chapter page (Each approved chapter will have a unique page on the Project Semicolon website). You can request funds for Chapter related activities inside your leader dashboard.


  • You can charge an attendance fee for a Project Semicolon chapter event. Tickets can be no more than $30 USD.

Fundraising and crowdfunding:

  • Project Semicolon chapters cannot organize separate ticketed Project Semicolon-branded fundraising events or use crowdfunding platforms — such as IndieGoGo, Kickstarter, or other local platforms — to raise money for any aspect of a Project Semicolon chapter. All events should be approved using your support form in the Leader dashboard.

Speaker fees:

  • Project Semicolon chapters may neither pay nor charge speakers to speak at Project Semicolon events.

Eligible sponsors:

  • You may not approach any sponsors that fall under our prohibited sponsor or prohibited industries lists.
  • You may contact prospective sponsors not included on these lists without prior approval from Project Semicolon, however, all funds should go through your Project Semicolon fundraising page. These funds can be requested at any time from your Leader dashboard.

Media + Distribution

Press releases:

  • All press and press releases must be approved by Project Semicolon Inc.

News media and your event:

  • If you are interviewed for broadcast TV or radio, clearly state that your chapter is a Project Semicolon chapter.
  • Project Semicolon staff should be the sole spokespeople for Project Semicolon and the Project Semicolon organization as a whole. Route requests for interviews with Project Semicolon staff to Project Semicolon Inc. Please ask all journalists and/or bloggers be respectful of the difference between the Project Semicolon and Project Semicolon chapters.
  • Project Semicolon receives request from all over the world for interviews and event speakers. Project Semicolon may call on Leaders to handle these requests in their communities and surrounding areas.


  • You may create video content specific to your Project Semicolon Chapter. Any content – whether audio or video – including documentaries – must abide by the following:
    • No use of the Project Semicolon and/or plain Project Semicolon logos without your unique location qualifier
  • You may not create podcasts based on your Project Semicolon chapter.

Creative commons:

  • Photos used for Project Semicolon chapters must be released under a Creative Commons license (“Attribution – NonCommercial – NonDerivative”), so they can be freely shared and reposted.

Web + Social

Website domain:

  • Do not purchase a domain name or build outside websites for chapters. Project Semicolon will be working to provide a unique space for chapters at projectsemicolon.com. Project Semicolon is a protected trademark so, if you find that someone is using a domain name that represents your chapter, actions can be taken to protect your chapter.
  • If you feel that your chapter has grown to the point that it needs it’s own website and resources, Project Semicolon will consider these requests on an individual basis and assist in this process.

Social media profiles:

  • Social media properties, such as Twitter and Instagram, should have names that mirror the official, licensed name of your Project Semicolon chapter.
  • You must use your official Project Semicolon chapter logo as your social media profile image (including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram).
  • Rules regarding naming, sponsorship, and branding apply to all social media platforms.

Sponsors on event social media:

  • You can mention a sponsor’s specific contribution to your chapter in your social media channels, including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, by tagging their social media accounts, using their hashtag or including their organization name in an image caption.
  • You or your sponsor can produce a video about the sponsor’s contribution to your event, to be shared on your or the sponsor’s social media channels. This must be produced with your approval of the way your collaboration is presented.
  • You cannot share sponsor content that is unrelated to your Project Semicolon chapter, e.g. a sponsor’s marketing campaign, product announcements, etc.
  • You cannot post a sponsor logo (or logos) on its own, but logos may be included if visible in an event photo or other creative material.

Your impact doubles

This month is National Suicide Prevention Month, your gift has the power to change lives. By supporting Project Semicolon, you're making sure no one ever has to struggle alone. Your gift through December will be matched and have twice the impact on mental health, and suicide prevention.