Group Posts #62602
A Hardcore Band called Punitive Damage and a song called Bottom Feeder. Gives me goosebumps and strenght, cause that´s exactly how I feel. Sorry for my poor english; this is not my mother tongue
Group Posts #62505
My diagnosis of Drug Induced Parkinson’s Disorder, although recognized by the psychiatric profession for the most part (although it is just as often dismissed as “Parkinson isms” in a pejorative way approaching denial.) was first diagnosed after my blood pressure dropped causing a fall which broke my ankle. Drug Induced Parkinson’s can be more difficult […]
Group Posts #61140
It’s in Halo as well!
Group Posts #59006
My grandson, Sean, took his own life a few weeks ago. I never thought about suicide or imagined it striking so close to home. Finding the Semicolon page really shed some light on things that I never considered.
Group Posts #58998
I’m still writing…. Some days are harder than others, but I’m still here.