
I have overcome significant trauma in my life and suffered and overcame mental health issues and now live a healed life. I want to share my story and help other people.


I have overcome a significant amount of trauma and abuse in my life. It caused a significant amount of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, self esteem issues, and self harm. My husband is a mental health therapist and I see the impact he makes in the life of others. I want to give […]


I am a suicide and akathisia survivor. I was mildly depressed and was put on Abilify for it. My world changed overnight as, about a day after the doctor increased my dose, I lost my mind. I was insane for about five months, unable to sleep, and unable to stop moving. I could not read. […]


I am a survivor; my third and final attempt was 4/15. It’s been an amazing healing process and I’ve discovered so much about myself and the mental health community. So much has changed over my years (I’m 43), and it’s been amazing to see there are resources like this out there. I have been an […]


Many moons ago I used to run a nightclub and experienced first hand how the service industry is overlooked by modern medicine. Fast forward – I ended up going to medical school to go specifically into psychiatry – so as to help those overlooked by “modern medicine.” After many long years, I was able to […]


Hello My name is Ikue from Japan. I am an ordinary citizen who believes in the importance of promoting mental health care and opposes genocide. I am writing to ask you below. ・Can I make some project semicolon message patches (cloth patch with semicolon written on it, take free) to make people know about mental […]


Share a little about why you’d like to volunteer for Project Semicolon… A couple of years ago I had a friend commit suicide. Meant health has been something that’s been around me for a really long time and I feel people don’t talk about it enough. My friend died 6 years ago and I still […]


I am interested in volunteering as I have a need to help.  I have a need to awaken the world that’s mental health and suicide prevention is for ALL ages, demographics, religions and people.  I represent a mom. A mom of three who loves her family passionately. I tend to embrace this world at a […]


My brother died on August 27, 2023 by suicide. David had mental health illness and I learned about mental health through living the experience. I didn’t know or understand mental health until my brother moved back to ga and learned by watching and helping him. I would like to help others because I may have […]


I’ve been diagnosed with ptsd after trying to end my life a few times after first dealing with trauma with loosing two of my fingers in an accident and after that living with an narcissist for almost ten years

Your impact doubles

This month, your gift has the power to change lives. By supporting Project Semicolon, you're making sure no one ever has to struggle alone. Your gift by August 1st. will be matched and have twice the impact on mental health, and suicide prevention.