Hope was something that I never thought possible.

My story is one that has been in the making for close to ten years now.Like the seasons, it’s ebbed and flowed. Some seasons being shorter and sweeter than others. But tis life I suppose. In it’s simplest form, I’ve struggled with depression and self harm for almost ten years now, with two suicide attempts […]

I’m so ashamed of the person I became.

I find such madness in the fact that before I was around 11 I had such high goals in life. They were all stripped away by my mental illness and by the choices I made. I ran away a lot from the age of 13 to 17. I was highly suicidal and the 1st time […]

Amy Bleuel – Founder of Project Semicolon

Because Project Semicolon has done so well, there is a preconceived notion that I am supposed to have it all together now. The darkness of depression should be behind me for good. People think motivational speakers should always be … motivated. Anyone in the spotlight feels a similar weight. But the idea simply isn’t true. […]

I’ll edit this as my journey goes…

I’m 20 and I was recently diagnosed with an eating disorder. I’ve always struggled with accepting my body and I’m sure many would blame it on models and social media.  I’m not exactly interested in the debate of why I’m going through this, I’m more interested in trying to find the inspiration to live. Project […]

Your impact doubles

This month, your gift has the power to change lives. By supporting Project Semicolon, you're making sure no one ever has to struggle alone. Your gift by August 1st. will be matched and have twice the impact on mental health, and suicide prevention.