A better me today

I’m not sure where to start. I think the best place to start is how I’m doing today. I’m 48 years old and I’ve overcame many challenges in my life the biggest one of seeing my mental health not as a flaw but as a special attribute of mine. In my story there’s abuse starting […]

My story

Good afternoon,  my name is Lisa, but I do go by the name crymson My story started at the age of 10, with severe untreated ptsd and depression.  Which was untreated until I became an adult I was always told ” just get over it ” or it’s just a phase, or part of growing […]

Needing to know how to want to live.

Im Candy. Im supposed to be having a birthday February 29th, but after losing everyone that mattered to me, im not so sure I’ll make it to 36. 

The Warfare Within

As I embark on this new life journey blogging about my life and struggles dealing with PTSD; an important part of the healing process requires you to let go of your past. ✍️ Who you were does not have to be who you are. And because of that, I want to let everyone know that […]

The struggle

I first attempted suicide when I was fourteen years old and also began self-harming by cutting on myself. I’ve been in and out of the hospital since then. When I was 28 I had my most serious suicide attempt by standing in front of a train. I was hit head on, ran over, and dragged […]

the glass that could repair its cracks.

From a very young age, I was given many things, but the one I lacked the most was love. Every time I felt sad, my parents’ question always loomed: “Sad about what? You have everything.” Every time I felt upset, I received a: “you’re exaggerating” every time I didn’t want to do or go somewhere […]

How a kid who was always happy, was also very depressed

It all started when I was in Jr. High. Nobody could understand how a kid who was always happy, smiling and telling jokes, suddenly started being afraid of everything and depressed about “simple” things. My mom decided to take me to the psychologist and after some treatment; the psychologist thought it’d be a better idea […]

Hope is alive…

There is freedom waiting for you, On the breezes of the sky, And you ask ”What if I fall?” Oh but my darling, what if you fly?                                                – Erin HansonThe way I view life now, at 31, vastly differs from the way I viewed life at 10, 16, 21… and I think that’s the […]

Hope was something that I never thought possible.

My story is one that has been in the making for close to ten years now.Like the seasons, it’s ebbed and flowed. Some seasons being shorter and sweeter than others. But tis life I suppose. In it’s simplest form, I’ve struggled with depression and self harm for almost ten years now, with two suicide attempts […]

Your impact doubles

This month, your gift has the power to change lives. By supporting Project Semicolon, you're making sure no one ever has to struggle alone. Your gift by August 1st. will be matched and have twice the impact on mental health, and suicide prevention.