
1 year ago

The Warfare Within

At Project Semicolon we understand the importance of privacy when sharing your story. All stories have been shared with the community and cannot be copied, or shared anywhere without the written consent of the author.

As I embark on this new life journey blogging about my life and struggles dealing with PTSD; an important part of the healing process requires you to let go of your past. ✍️

Who you were does not have to be who you are. And because of that, I want to let everyone know that if I’ve ever wronged you, I am sorry. 🖤

♠️ If I treated you poorly, I am sorry.

♠️ If I lied to you, I am sorry.

♠️ If I disrespected you, I am sorry.

♠️ If I let you down, I am sorry.

♠️ If I wasn’t there for you. I am sorry.

I am an imperfect man who has had his fair share of struggles.

I’ve done things I’m proud of and I’ve done things I regret.

My goal has always been to do right by everyone but at times in my past I have gotten in my own way.

You may have experienced the same, maybe not.

Either way, just know that I’m rooting for you as much as I’m rooting for myself. 👊

I’ve been battling with PTSD for 15 years and now I want to make my voice heard and help others who might be in a dark place and struggling with mental illness. 💪

Some new and exciting things are coming soon and if you or someone you know is struggling, please go like my page and let’s combat this together! 🫡

;IGY6 🖤

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