As I embark on this new life journey blogging about my life and struggles dealing with PTSD; an important part of the healing process requires you to let go of your past. ✍️
Who you were does not have to be who you are. And because of that, I want to let everyone know that if I’ve ever wronged you, I am sorry. 🖤
♠️ If I treated you poorly, I am sorry.
♠️ If I lied to you, I am sorry.
♠️ If I disrespected you, I am sorry.
♠️ If I let you down, I am sorry.
♠️ If I wasn’t there for you. I am sorry.
I am an imperfect man who has had his fair share of struggles.
I’ve done things I’m proud of and I’ve done things I regret.
My goal has always been to do right by everyone but at times in my past I have gotten in my own way.
You may have experienced the same, maybe not.
Either way, just know that I’m rooting for you as much as I’m rooting for myself. 👊
I’ve been battling with PTSD for 15 years and now I want to make my voice heard and help others who might be in a dark place and struggling with mental illness. 💪
Some new and exciting things are coming soon and if you or someone you know is struggling, please go like my page and let’s combat this together! 🫡
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